Orthodontist Serving North Stamford, CT
Embrace Orthodontics provides a full range of orthodontic services to patients in North Stamford, CT, including Invisalign and early treatment. Our office is located in Stamford, CT, a short drive from North Stamford, CT.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment!
Embrace Orthodontics
61 Fourth Street
Stamford, CT 06905 Click for Directions
Tel: 203-324-3121
E-MAIL info@westportortho.com
Monday - Friday | TBA
Saturday | Closed
Sunday | Closed
Request an Appointment

Directions from North Stamford, CT
Head southeast on Long Ridge Rd toward Sawmill Rd
Use the right 2 lanes to turn right onto Summer St
Turn left onto 3rd St
Turn left onto Bedford St
Turn left at the 1st cross street onto 4th St
Embrace Orthodontics will be on the left
Call us today at 203-324-3121 to schedule your appointment!